Church of St Hubert
the Hunter, 2001 |
of St. Hubert the Hunter
Bondurant, Wyoming
The Church of St. Hubert the Hunter is located in the picturesque Hoback
River valley in Bondurant, Wyoming, set against the Gros Ventre Mountains
as a backdrop. Bondurant is a small ranching community, population 100
in 2001, between Jackson and Daniel, Wyoming. The church building, and
the adjacent library which was built in 1943, are located on a one-acre
parcel of land which is now Bridger-Teton National Forest via a Special
Use Permit issued in 1940.
In the 1930s, Bondurant did not have a church or community center.
In 1937, Bishop Winfred H. Ziegler, Episcopal Bishop of Wyoming, found
himself stranded in the little town one winter. Local ranchers and their
families made him feel welcome and extended their hospitality to him
until the winter storm passed. Some time later he got the opportunity
to help Bondurant get the church and community center they wanted. While
talking with Bishop Perry, presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
in America, he learned the story of a woman who had given him a diamond
some years before her death. Mrs. John Markoe gave him her cherished
heirloom with the request that he sell the stone and build a memorial
church with the proceeds. When Bishop Perry approached jewelers about
the gems worth, they offered only half of what he knew the value to
be, so he kept it for some time in a safety deposit box. Bishop Ziegler
immediately thought of Bondurant, Wyoming, and discussed the idea of
using the money from selling the diamond to build a church there. Both
Bishops agreed that Bondurant really needed a church and that same week
Bishop Perry sold the diamond for $1,400.
When Bishop Ziegler returned to Wyoming and Bondurant, he rounded up
volunteers in the community to help build a church and community hall.
In late March or early April of 1939 Bishop Ziegler, two other priests,
and some twenty-five ranch men formed a group to set on the task of
cutting logs for the new church. With the snow still deep on the ground,
the group crossed the high, cold water of the Hoback River with a team
and sled to get to the forest on the other side. As the team crossed
the river, they fell through the ice up to their bellies. The sled followed,
showering the Bishop with icy water, but he took it all in good humor
and the group proceeded on. At noon they built a fire and melted snow
to make coffee and had their lunch, then went back to cutting logs.
By four that day they had enough logs felled and returned home. The
logs were later snaked out of the woods by teams of horses and hauled
to the church building site in the valley.
The church had only five rounds of logs up on the walls when the first
service was held there, a wedding ceremony, during the fall of 1940.
The ranchers resumed their donated time and work to complete the building
in the spring of 1941. Money from the sale of the Mrs. Markoe's diamond
covered the purchase of the flooring, glass and hardware for the new
On August 3, 1941, the first free Bondurant Barbecue was held at the
church, with food donated by local families and a steer donated by a
Big Piney rancher. Bishop Ziegler, and the Governor of Wyoming, were
in attendance and were brought to the church from the Triangle "F"
Ranch by stagecoach. Many other people followed from surrounding ranches
on horseback. In all, more than 500 people attended the church ceremony,
which became the forerunner of today's annual Bondurant Barbecue.
Church of St Hubert the
Hunter being built in the early 1940's. Click on picture for
a larger view.
The Ladies Guild of Bondurant, formerly the Crazy Calico Club formed
in 1931, took over the responsibility of the upkeep of the church. They
planned and raised money for a new library and dispensary, which was
erected in 1942. The group held bake sales, raffles of donated items,
and anything else they could think of to raise money to maintain the
church, including holding the annual Bondurant Barbeque. The ticket
prices were kept at $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for children until 1966,
when they were forced to raise prices in order to help pay for needed
repairs on the buildings. Each year, local ranchers donate the beef
and the people of Bondurant cook up the baked beans, home baked cakes,
potato and kraut salads and feed some 500-900 people. The Barbeque of
1972 was held in honor of Bishop Ziegler, and he was able to attend
and speak at the gathering. The Bondurant Barbeque is now held each
year on the last Sunday in June immediately following outdoor church
services. Money from the proceeds helps pay for the maintenance of the
church and is also donated to area organizations such as the Sublette
County Welfare, St. John's Hospital in Jackson, the Bondurant School.
Money has also been used to rejuvenate the local cemetery, helped local
families in time of need, and to send remembrances to members during
times of illness.
The carving of St. Hubert the Hunter was hand-carved in Germany and
donated to the church. The collection plate was donated to the church
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maercklein.
Church remains much the way it was in 1941. Originally a coal shed
to the east was separate from the church, but they were connected by
a log addition in 1980. Around 1970, a concrete foundation was poured
to replace the original log piers. In 1976, a green metal roof was added
to cover the original rolled asphalt roofing. In 1979, the plumbing
was hooked up in the new kitchen and two restrooms were installed. Regular
church services are still held today at the building by the Reverend
from the Pinedale St. Andrews in the Pines church, who travels to Bondurant
to hold services.

The Bondurant Church in the 1940s
Bondurant Church & Library maintained by
Bondurant Community Club
PO Box 71, Bondurant, WY, 82922