From the pages of
Sublette Examiner
Volume 3, Number 41 - January 8, 2004
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Public Notices

State of Wyoming )
) ss
County of Sublette )
In the Circuit Court of Sublette County, Wyoming
John V. Crow, Circuit Court Judge
Legend Marketing Group
Judgment Creditor
Green River Graphics
Judgment Debtor
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
The undersigned having levied upon goods and chattels described by virtue of an Execution dated December 19, 2003, from Circuit Court of Sublette County Wyoming, in action wherein Legend Marketing Group is Judgment Creditor, and Green River Graphics is Judgment Debtor, shall sell at public sale to the highest bidder and best bidder, for cash, on the front steps of the Sublette County Court House, South Tyler, Pinedale, WY 82941, at 10:00 AM on Friday, January 23, 2004 the following chattel, to wit:
21 cases of ceramic drinking mugs; approximately 27 mugs per case. (8 cases of mugs have a bull riding design on them, 5 cases of mugs have a Utah Jazz design on them, and 8 cases of mugs have a barrel racing design on them.)
One Canon Multi-pass C5000 Fax machine, serial #UXL98561.
One ATT phone, model 700
One Texas Instruments calculator, serial #L12998
One Omni 24 X Max computer
One Winvest keyboard serial #9802459115
One KDS 14" monitor serial #0281024744
The property may be seen at the Sublette County Courthouse, South Tyler, Pinedale, WY 82941, the morning of the sale date, one hour prior to sale time.
/s/ Hank Ruland, Sublette County Sheriff
Published in the Sublette Examiner Jan. 8 and 15, 2004.

Sublette County Rural Health Care District
Regular Meeting
December 8, 2003 - 7:00 p.m.
Sublette County Courthouse
Pinedale, Wyo.
Walt Bousman, president of the Sublette County Rural Health Care District, chaired this meeting. This meeting was held in the courtroom of the Sublette County Courthouse, Pinedale, Wyo. Bill Barney, vice president; Jerry Jensen, secretary/treasurer; Mary Lynn Worl, trustee, were in attendance. Garry Eiden, trustee, was absent. Jauna McGinnis, clerk, took the minutes.
Others in attendance:
Pinedale EMS: Wil Gay, Kris Bacheller, Wendy Boman
Big Piney EMS: Kati Richins
Press Reps: Bill Boender, Sublette Examiner, Jeanette Blosel, Pinedale Roundup
Others: Cori Laster, Sandy Anderson
Walt Bousman called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and set the agenda. Jerry Jensen motioned to accept the agenda as discussed. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously.
Mary Lynn Worl motioned to accept the November 10th regular meeting minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
Jerry Jensen motioned to accept the November 4th special meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Bill Barney and carried unanimously.
After the board reviewed the physician checks, Mary Lynn Worl motioned to approve the physician checks. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
Bill Barney reported that the information was not given to him or Jauna McGinnis. The board directed Jauna McGinnis to contact the Cody, Wyo., Chamber of Commerce for airport consulting. Jauna McGinnis indicated she would contact the firm that was mentioned in the last minutes.
Kris Bacheller indicated Pinedale EMS has found a copier within the budget that will do everything they need it to do.
The sales tax is not always being removed from the credit card purchases. Jauna McGinnis is to send a memo to both EMS services stating the sales tax needs to be removed at the time of purchase and that any further abuse may result in the loss of credit card privileges.
Contractor Ed Skorcz is available to do the finish work on the trailer. Bill Barney motioned to engage Ed Skorcz to start and to receive an estimate of what the cost will be and that this will be on a time and material basis. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
The board retired into executive session at 7:18 p.m.
Walt Bousman called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. stating no action was taken. Bill Barney motioned that, with regard to the prior terminations of Cori Laster and Sandy Anderson, the prior action is left standing. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
As a result of the December 6th meeting, the board made offers to two applicants who have accepted. David Noll from Rawlins can begin December 22nd and David Potter from Casper can begin the first week of January. Jerry Jensen motioned to hire them. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously.
Wil Gay presented the name of Julie Morrell to hire as a volunteer. Mary Lynn Worl motioned to hire Julie Morrell. Motion seconded by Bill Barney and carried with the vote being Mary Lynn Worl and Bill Barney in favor and Jerry Jensen abstaining.
Kris Bacheller questioned whether or not Cori Laster and Sandy Anderson could re-apply to be associated with Big Piney EMS. The board stated there was no statement in that regard nor would it be prohibited. However, this would be taken under advisement. Bill Barney cautioned everyone not to read between the lines and hoped that the motion made meant exactly what it said.
Wil Gay has not been able to obtain all the information for this system. The card system vs. the keypad system was discussed. The general interest was for the keypad entry.
The board received a letter of resignation from Wil Gay for the part-time paid position as of December 18th. This letter also is a resignation from the supervisor position as of January 7, 2004. Bill Barney motioned to thank Wil for his service and dedication and wish him well and express their pleasure in his continued involvement in the future. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously.
The board received a letter of retirement from Ted Reinwald and accepted it. Bill Barney motioned to send a letter of appreciation to Ted Reinwald. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
A policy was enacted during the time the paid service in Pinedale was not fully staffed. This will remain in effect until the new employees are on board. This will be tabled until the January meeting.
Kris Bacheller indicated the EMTs would be available for a short period of time to help orient the new employees.
The board thanked the entire EMS service for their coverage and for their help during the hiring and practical skill process
There were some concerns regarding statements in the letters of resignation stating Big Piney was forced to become a paid service. Walt Bousman read the July 2001 minutes which stated the Big Piney EMS voted to institute the service.
This board reaffirmed that the paid service is in support of the core volunteer organization.
The board generally agreed to leave the door open for when Big Piney desires to have a paid service. Statistics were presented which indicated the service was essentially run by volunteers and that the average number of runs during the paid service were less than what Pinedale EMS was performing before the paid service. When they need the support they can approach the board.
Policies need to be county wide. The board would like to allow the groups to write the procedure to certain policies that meet the direction of the board and the EMS group with the approval of the board. This would allow flexibility to meet the different needs of each service.
The board initiated the exploration of an administrator. Input from the EMS services, clinics and community members would be beneficial.
Bill Barney motioned to have Jauna McGinnis put together a letter after consultation with all Members to solicit information from the clinic and EMS services, subject to the approval of the chairman. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
Kris Bacheller presented information pertaining to hosting a Spanish class for the EMTs. The board approved this training and asked that Big Piney be involved with this.
The board requested a list of employers in order to send them a "thank you" for allowing the EMT's to help during the day. Kris Bacheller will provide this list to Jauna McGinnis.
The board discussed issues (i.e., security, location, availability, time span) pertaining to a new office space.
Bill Barney motioned to accept the lease. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
The board discussed verification of checks. Jauna McGinnis will submit a printout to be verified at the meeting. The treasurer will keep this to bring to the next meeting to verify sequential check numbers.
Walt Bousman reported Davis Partnership is in the data collection process. When this information is gathered, Davis Partnership will meet with the board.
The board decided to move this item to the policy and procedures meetings.
The board approved Bridger Mechanical to install the air conditioning unit in the Marbleton-Big Piney Clinic. They may contact Davis Partnership to obtain any specs necessary.
There will not be a meeting for policy and procedures this month.
Bill Barney motioned to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously authorizing vouchers for payroll and vendors numbered 3267 through 3354, DD3345-1 through DD3363-301 and EFT3346-1 through EFT3364-1 totaling $111,899.60.
Without any further business, Mary Lynn Worl motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned 10:11 p.m.
Published in the Sublette Examiner Jan. 8, 2004.

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Sublette Examiner, PO Box 1539, Pinedale, WY 82941   Phone 307-367-3203