From the pages of
Sublette Examiner
Volume 3, Number 4 - April 24, 2003
brought to you online by Pinedale Online

What a barrel of crude oil makes

Product - Gallons/ barrel
Gasoline - 19.5
Distillate fuel oil - 9.7
(includes both home heating oil and diesel fuel)
Kerosene-type jet fuel - 4.3
Residual fuel oil - 1.9
(heavy oils such as fuels in industry, marine transportation and for electric power generation)
Liquefied refinery gases - 1.9
Still gas - 1.8
Coke - 2.0
Asphalt and road oil - 1.4
Petrochemical feedstocks 1.1
Lubricants - 0.5
Kerosene - 0.2
Other - 0.4

Source: Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States

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