From the pages of
Sublette Examiner
Volume 3, Number 26 - September 25, 2003
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Public Notices

Notice of Application for
restaurant liquor license
Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of August, 2003, Michael & Lorraine Gatzke applied for an application for a renewal of a restaurant liquor license in the office of the clerk of the Town of Big Piney, Wyoming, for the following described place and premises, to wit: Wood building located on Lots 13, 14 & 15, Block 12, of the C.P. McGlashan's 1st Addition to the Town of Big Piney, Wyoming, and protests, if any, against the issuance of this license will be heard September 30, 2003, at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall in the Council Chambers in Big Piney, Wyoming.
/s/ Vickie Brown, Clerk
Published in the Sublette Examiner Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2003.

Sublette County Rural Health Care District
Unofficial Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2003, 7:30 p.m.
Marbleton Fire Hall - Marbleton, Wyo.
Bill Barney, vice president of the Sublette County Rural Health Care District, chaired this meeting. This meeting was held in the meeting room of the Marbleton Fire Hall, Marbleton, Wyo. Jerry Jensen, secretary/treasurer, Mary Lynn Worl, trustee, and Garry Eiden, trustee, were in attendance. Walt Bousman, president, was absent. Jauna McGinnis, clerk, took the minutes.
Others in attendance:
Pinedale Clinic: Dr. Boyle
Pinedale EMS: Wil Gay
Big Piney EMS: Rich Anderson
Press Reps: Cat Urbgikit, Sublette Examiner, Jeanette Blosel, Pinedale Roundup
Others: Mr. and Mrs. Robin Miley
Bill Barney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and set the agenda. Jerry Jensen motioned to accept the agenda as read. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously.
Jerry Jensen motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Garry Eiden and carried unanimously. The board approved the Aug.14, 2003 minutes.
Jerry Jensen motioned to accept the executive session minutes. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously. The board approved the Aug. 14, 2003 executive session minutes.
Bill Barney read the amounts for the physician checks.
Jerry Jensen motioned to approve the physician checks as presented. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously.
The board retired into executive session with Dr. Boyle at 7:38 and had Wil Gay join them later. Bill Barney brought the meeting back to order at 8:35 stating no decisions were made. He was asked the purpose of the executive session and stated it was to discuss personnel issues within Pinedale EMS.
Mary Lynn Worl motioned the shift responsibilities of full-time paid staff at Pinedale EMS will be a) on-call status from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m., and b) working hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. A one-hour lunch between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. will be compensated at the on-call rate. All paid staff will be in the ambulance barn during their working shift. Full-time personnel will not be able to sign up after hours and weekends, but may be on back-up if necessary. Paid personnel may not sign up after hours and weekends until all open slots between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday have been filled. The part-time employees will be responsible for filling the open slots 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The motion was amended a one-hour lunch between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. will be provided and compensated at the on-call rate. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried with the vote being Mary Lynn Worl and Jerry Jensen in favor and Garry Eiden opposed.
The board clarified the word "provided" pertaining to the lunch hour meant they will be free to leave and it will not be working hours. A letter will be sent to the paid personnel and the Pinedale Ambulance service.
Jerry Jensen motioned that at least one person will be in the ambulance facility during lunch by alternating lunch hours and that the both of them cannot take off unless there is an ambulance run. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried with the vote being Jerry Jensen and Mary Lynn Worl in favor and Garry Eiden opposed.
The board then discussed the effective date of this motion. Dr. Boyle expressed the urgency of the coverage situation. When asked if Wednesday morning would be good, Wil Gay stated he could contact everyone.
Jerry Jensen motioned to implement this on the 10th at 5 a.m. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried with the vote being Mary Lynn Worl and Jerry Jensen in favor and Garry Eiden opposed.
Garry Eiden has not found anyone interested in or able to commit time for this project. The Board also discussed adding handicap parking spaces.
Jerry Jensen motioned to accept the proposal from Dave Norris Construction in the amount of $7,548. Motion seconded by Garry Eiden and carried unanimously.
Jerry Jensen motioned to have designated handicap parking area and to make sure there are the proper number of handicap spaces. Motion seconded by Garry Eiden and carried unanimously.
Jim Jackson of Intermountain Electric Service who holds the current generator contract submitted a new contract. Bill Barney read the proposal. Jauna McGinnis is to make a record sheet for the monthly visits to be hung on the door.
Garry Eiden motioned to accept Intermountain Electric's service contract for the three generators. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
Wil Gay will get a key to Mr. Jackson for the Pinedale EMS generator room.
Bob Johnson of Bridger Mechanical submitted a project proposal for forced air mechanical cooling (mid-grade systems) for the medical clinics. There were no other submitters. He commented the installation of adding just air conditioning is straightforward. However, the Pinedale Clinic is not ducted throughout the entire building. There are concerns regarding upgrading to a larger system, upgrading to gas, building additions, and upgraded filtering in order to submit a proper bid for both clinics. The board decided to postpone the installation of air conditioning due to the architectural process they are currently in.
The sign for the Pinedale Ambulance Barn is finished. It will be delivered the weekend of Sept. 13. Wil Gay requested the ability to rent a man-lift to put up the sign. Jerry Jensen motioned to get the man-lift. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously.
Pinedale EMS and Big Piney EMS presented names for employment.
There is still one person in the training phase and five other applications for the Pinedale EMS group to approve for training for Pinedale EMS. Also, an EMT associated with Vase would like to run with the service. The stipulations in the Pinedale EMS Constitution and by-laws state it is permissible for out of county residents as long as they are employed by a service wherever they live and are not eligible for district fringe benefits (i.e., uniforms, conferences). He will go through the required training phase.
Jerry Jensen motioned to hire Michael Hueckstaedt as of Aug. 16, and Carolyn Wood as of Sept. 6 and Cory Greaves. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously.
The ambulance MS141 has been returned and is back in service.
The Pinedale EMS group has approved extra funds from professional development to be allocated to Aimee Binning for her Basic training as long as there are funds left over at the end of the year. After discussing how she was to be paid, a concern regarding who would be responsible if there was a shortfall, and the intent of the motion at the previous meeting, the board made a final determination.
Mary Lynn Worl motioned to approve the $600 for Aimee Binning to attend Teton Science School and with the approval of the Pinedale EMS at the end of the fiscal year the board will consider reimbursing her for some of the costs beyond the $600 from unallocated continuing education funds. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried unanimously.
Big Piney EMS nor Garry Eiden have been able to obtain bids to finish the trailer. This item will be added to the December agenda as a reminder.
Mary Lynn Worl motioned to continue paying Jessica Covell's health insurance for one more month and re-evaluate at the October meeting. Motion seconded by Jerry Jensen and carried with the vote being Mary Lynn Worl and Jerry Jensen in favor and Garry Eiden remaining neutral.
The board reviewed the proposals from the architects and would like to decide what questions need to be answered before deciding who to contract with. There may be other agencies who have already done studies that may be helpful as is being researched by Mary Lynn Worl. There also is the possibility of having a veteran's hospital in Sublette County. The board decided a working session would be in order.
The board set a special meeting for Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m. in Daniel for policies and procedures and to set a date for clinic expansion.
The board discussed the check for seminar expenses reimbursed to Dr. Boyle. This check was examined and approved through the physician check approval process. The board realizes this was a logistical error. Although there was no formal discussion, the outcome would have been the same. It would have been approved. The board will be more meticulous with this procedure.
The board will table this until the October meeting.
Jerry Jensen motioned to pay the bills as presented withholding check number 3020 to Just Stone until approved for release from Garry Eiden. The motion was seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously authorizing vouchers for payroll and vendors numbered 3011 through 3094, DD3246-6829 through 3269-879 and EFT3252-1 through 3272-1 totaling $125,685.76.
Without any further business, Jerry Jensen motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Worl and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned 10:45 p.m.
Published in the Sublette Examiner Sept. 25, 2003.

The following matters will come before this commission on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003, at 9 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the matters may be heard, or between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any of the subsequent days during which the commission remains in session at the office of the State Oil and Gas Supervisor, 777 West First Street, Casper, Wyoming
Cause No. 9, Order No. 2, Docket No. 455-2003, brought on the commission's own motion to review a previous order of the commission identified as Cause No. 9, Order No. 1, Docket No. 325-2002 regarding pit treatment by Flare Construction, Inc. in Uinta, Lincoln, Sublette and Sweetwater counties, Wyoming.
Cause No. 3, Order No. 1, Docket No. 497-2003, brought on the application of BP America Production Company for an order authorizing the drilling of six additional wells as pilot, 10-acre infill wells; each well to be an increased density well on lands spaced or affected by prior orders in Docket Nos. 228-98 and 90-2000; to test and produce all six wells from the Lance Pool underlying either within the NW1/4 of Section 25 or the west and south boundaries of the NW1/4 of Section 25, with 200-foot tolerances thereby being permitted to be located within the E1/2 of Section 26 and SW1/4 of Section 25, all in Township 29 North, Range 108 West, 6th P.M., Jonah Field, Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 3, Order No. 1, Docket No. 498-2003, brought on the application of BP America Production Company for an order authorizing the drilling of four additional wells as pilot, 10-acre infill wells; each well to be an increased density well on lands spaced or affected by prior order in Docket No. 228-98 with a 200-foot tolerance in any direction; to test and produce all four wells the Lance Pool underlying NE1/4 of Section 30, Township 29 North, Range 108 West, 6th P.M., Jonah Field, Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 5, Order No. 1, Docket No. 502-2003, brought on the application of EOG Resources, Inc. for an order force pooling all interests not voluntarily pooled in that certain drilling and spacing unit established for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Lance/Mesaverde Formation underlying the NW1/4 of Section 7, Township 34 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M., Merna Prospect Area, Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 5, Order No. 1, Docket No. 503-2003, brought on the application of EOG Resources, Inc. for an order force pooling all interests not voluntarily pooled in that certain drilling and spacing unit established for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Lance/Mesaverde Formation underlying the SE1/4 of Section 7, Township 34 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M., Merna Prospect Area, Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 5, Order No. 1, Docket No. 504-2003, brought on the application of EOG Resources, Inc. for an order force pooling all interests not voluntarily pooled in that certain drilling and spacing unit established for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Lance/Mesaverde Formation underlying the NE1/4 of Section 18, Township 34 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M., Merna Prospect Area, Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 1, Order No. 1, Docket No. 508-2003, brought on the application of Williams Production Rocky Mountain Company for an order establishing a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit for the production of hydrocarbons from the Lance Formation underlying the SE1/4 of Section 20, Township 36 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M., Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 1, Order No. 1, Docket No. 509-2003, brought on the application of Williams Production Rocky Mountain Company for an order establishing a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit for the production of hydrocarbons from the Lance Formation underlying the NW1/4 of Section 20, Township 36 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M., Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 1, Order No. 1, Docket No. 510-2003, brought on the application of Williams Production Rocky Mountain Company for an order establishing a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit for the production of hydrocarbons from the Lance Formation underlying the NE1/4 of Section 20, Township 36 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M., Sublette County, Wyoming.
Cause No. 1, Order No. 1,Docket No. 511-2003, brought on the application of Williams Production Rocky Mountain Company for an order establishing a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit for the production of hydrocarbons from the Lance Formation underlying the SW1/4 of Section 20, Township 36 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M., Sublette County, Wyoming.
Any interested party is entitled to appear at the aforesaid time and place to be heard by the commission. The applications may be inspected in the office of the undersigned, 777 West First Street, Casper, Wyoming. If there are any protests, please make such known to the State Oil and Gas Supervisor at least three (3) working days before the hearing by filing a written objection.
DATED this 19th day of September, 2003
/s/ Don J. Likwartz, Secretary
Published in the Sublette Examiner Sept. 25, 2003.

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Sublette Examiner, PO Box 1539, Pinedale, WY 82941   Phone 307-367-3203